日本3大名城包括位於九州的熊本城丶中國地區的姫路城及關東地區的松本城 。
熊本城因為前年的地震損毀維修中不對外開放只能遠觀,有別其他名城,姫路城比較特別因為整座城堡都是白色,規模也比較大,到中國四國地區旅遊不妨加這個景點 。
關東地區亦有國寶級的名城 - 長野縣松本城,規模不算大但勝在人流比較少,亦能非常近距離看到這座名城,去上高地的朋友不妨考慮住宿松本市 ( 上高地車程大約1小時),順道參觀松本城。

上高地 Kamikochi

Top 3 Japanese castles include Kumamoto castle (Kyushu), Himeji castle (Hyogo) and Matsumato castle (Nagano). Sadly that Kumamoto castle is currently under renovation due to the Kumamoto earthquake. Highly recommend to visit Himeji castle as it is white in colour so much different than other castles in Japan. If you visit Kamikochi area, recommend to stay at Matsumato (1 hour driving distance) and visit Matsumato castle as there isn't much tourist.