我一般機場取車後直接往北去名護市或者去外島,所以那霸市只住過2間酒店,我比較喜歡住在Omoromachi站附近因為有DFS,大國藥妝,步行10分鐘左右便到百貨公司Naha Main Place,而且去機場非常方便(約20分鐘)。 今次介紹Libre Garden 新都心,這間酒店位於輕軌站Hokke Hotel 對面,大國藥妝也在對面,價格不錯房間比Super Hotel 新都心 (住記) 大一點,但Super hotel 朝食無料比較吸引,印象中步行5分鐘左右有便利商店。

I don't usually stay at Naha at all, I either drive north to Nago or going to islands. I have only stayed at 2 Naha hotels which are Super Hotel Naha Shintoshin and Libre Garden Naha.
Libre Garden Naha Hotel is right across the street from Omoromachi light rail station. I really recommend to stay at Shintoshin area when visiting Naha as it is close to DFS, around 10 mins walk to Naha Main Place, 5 mins walk to 7-11 and there is a drug store right by the station. It is around 20 mins away from the Airport (by light rail). The room size is a bit larger as compare to Super Hotel Naha Shintoshin. I still like Super Hotel more as it provide free breakfast!
Hotel Libre Garden Naha
Address: 沖縄県那覇市おもろまち4-17-27
Tel: 098-869-3333