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[昇龍道]清酒 The Shoryudo Sake

每次到日本我都喜愛淺嘗富特色的酒,昇龍道這邊因為有靚山靚水,所以清酒特別有名(威士忌沒有看到),這次試了幾款,比較喜歡的是立山(當地人也推介),立山這款清酒很容易入喉、很純,平常不太喝酒的應該也能接受。 天狗舞這款可能是地酒的關係比較烈,喝了幾杯已經覺得有點頭痛。 上高地這款是可以啦,只是沖着上高地水釀造的原因去買,個人還是比較推薦立山(藍色瓶)的,價錢還好約¥500小瓶。

I love to try different types of sake and whisky when I visit Japan. Since the Shoryudo has high quality water source it is fond of sake making. I have tried a few during my last trip and highly recommend the 立山 (blue bottle in the middle). The body of 立山 is pretty rich and easy to drink (good for most people even light drinker). If you prefer stronger one, you can try the 天狗舞 (green bottle).

I bought the Kamikochi one is mainly because it is made from Kamikochi spring water and the taste is ok, it is a bit pricy since it is a limited edition while 立山 is around 500 yen.


2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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