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[沖繩]住那裏?今歸仁美景海灘Bel Paraiso Hotel

去沖繩當然要住有靚景的海灘Resort酒店,大家都是推薦恩納海岸,但恩納海岸實在太出名遊客太多,我喜歡偏遠一點人比較少的酒店,這次在樂天上找到這間擁有沖繩外島feel的resort ,而且價錢還不錯(比恩納海岸的便宜一半)。

Bel Paraiso Hotel 位於沖繩北部今歸仁附近,距離名護市/水族館約30分鐘車程,古宇利島約15分鐘,機場就比較遠(開高速約1.5小時),這家酒店有别墅型的房間很特别,不介意住的比較遠的這間酒店真心推人介!早餐就一般般沒有很驚喜。

Okinawa is famous for it's diamond blue sea, you got to stay at the beach resort when visiting Okinawa. Many people recommend to stay by the Onna area while I prefer those area with fewer tourists even it's further away. I have reserved this stunning beach beach resort on Rakuten Travel and it's on sale (nearly half price of Onna area resort). This resort also provides cottage type rooms and the beach view of this resort is as pretty as the Okinawa outer-islands, totally worth the price!

This resort is around 30 mins drive to Nago city/ Okinawa Aquarium, just a bit far away from the Naha Airport (around 1.5 hrs on Speedway). I highly recommend this resort if you don't mind staying a bit far away from the attractions.

Bel Paraiso Hotel, Okinawa

Address: 沖繩縣國頭郡今歸仁村字運天1069

Tel: 0980-56-2767


2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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