沖繩必須要自駕因為除了那霸市有輕軌外,其他地區如果不自駕基本上去不了,例如北部的萬座毛、殘波岬、美之海水族館等。大家熟悉的沖繩租車公司是OTS 因為有中文員工及在DFS/碼頭有分店但價格比較貴,我一般都是租Paradise rent a car因為性價比高,早鳥價是非常便宜,而且他們亦有中文員工,車子質量0K/GPS也新。推薦!

Highly recommend to rent a car when visiting Okinawa. Basically you can't travel anywhere without a car as lightrail is only available at Naha city. Many people would recommend OTS as it has DFS & Harbor store. I like to rent Paradise rent a car as it has better price! Early bird price is super attractive!!!!
Paradise Rent A Car