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[昇龍道]長野縣玩什麼?乘鞍高原雪牆(比美立山黑部) Norikura Highland Snow wall (as pretty as the Alpen)


之前坐虎航的時候偶然發現原來日本有其他的雪牆,上網找找發現這個非常少遊客的長野縣乘鞍高原雪之迴廊-全日本第二高的雪牆(僅次於立山黑部),交通方便得多了,因為又是自然保護區不允許私家車前往,只是需要把車停在乘鞍高原觀光案內所,旁邊就能坐乘鞍高原雪谷春山巴士(約40分鐘車程),在巴士旁有服務員現場售票,來回¥2500。 乘鞍高原距離高山市約1小時車程建議可住宿飛驒高山綠色大飯店(飛驒牛放題)!


We always want to visit The Alpen snow wall for a long time already. We didn't take action as the transportation of the Alpen is too complicated as we always rent car. Since the Alpen route consists of 2 states and you cannot drive there due to natural protection and the route consists of 6 different types of public transportation including cable ride/ bus/ and walk .......

We have some elderly in our group and the Alpen route seems too hard for them, therefore we had been putting a hold on the snow wall for some time. I once found out that there are other snow wall in Japan and happens that the Norikura Highland snow wall is the second highest in Japan ( the height of snow wall is just a bit lower than the Alpen) and you can still enjoy the snow wall till June as the mountain open time is kinda late. Most importantly, the transportation to this snow wall is way easier than the Alpen. Just park the car at Norikura Kogen tourist center and you can buy the highland shuttle ticket and hop on the bus (the bus ride takes around 40 mins).

We are so grateful to have a nice weather and absolutely no tourist when visiting the Norikura snow wall. We were the only tourist!!!!! We saw quite a few local but they were snow riding instead of touring the snow wall.

乘鞍高原觀光案內所 The Norikura Kogen tourist center

Tel: 0263-93-214


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