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[沖繩]住那裏?Super Hotel 那霸市新都心 Super Hotel Naha Shintoshin, Okinawa

我一直很喜歡Super Hotel這個連鎖酒店,因為全國都有分店,每一間分店的房間裝修大都一樣,此終人在外熟悉的感覺是很珍貴而且安心,還有Super Hotel可以當天下午3:00前免費取消預訂,對於我這種非常隨性的人是多麼方便!

Super Hotel 新都心就在輕軌旁,走路約5分鐘,酒店對面又有大國藥妝、DFS (租車可以在DFS取/還),所以是非常方便。Super Hotel新都心有3人房,日本的商務酒店房間都是比較小,但有3人房不多,夠用就好,女生入住還有5樣小品(護膚類),而且早餐免費!

I always enjoy to stay at Super Hotel when I visit Japan. There are over 50+ Super Hotel across Japan (main cities). The reason why I like this hotel because the design of it's room is pretty much the same across all hotels, and you can always cancel the book on the day before 15:00. Great for me as I always change plans when visiting Japan!

Super Hotel Naha Shintoshin has an awesome location as it is located just 5 mins walk from the Shintoshin railway station. DFS is right across the street where you can rent/return car and shopping. And there is a Japanese drugstore across the street! Besides, this hotel offers 3 person room, free breakfast and free skin care products for ladies.

新都心 Super Hotel Naha Shintoshin, Okinawa

Address: 冲绳县那霸市奥莫罗町4-16-27

Tel: 098-861-9000


2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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