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[昇龍道]秘景-上高地 The Shoryudo Kamikochi - The place where God lives

一進入長野縣已經感受到無盡的負離子,一望無際的綠色森林空氣非常好! 上高地位於長野縣的山區,離高山市和松本市各車程1小時,我們這次因為要去上高地和乘鞍高原看雪牆,所以在飛驒高山綠色飯店住了兩天、松本市伊東園淺間之住了一天。

上高地為日本自然保護區,自駕遊去上高地只能把車停在附近駐車場再搭Highland Express 巴士/計程車進入,可参考上高地自駕交通攻略

上高地是日本人心中天神住的故鄉,亦是傳說河童出沒的地方,環境超美,可以超近距離欣賞阿爾卑斯山峯(真的有迷你瑞士的感覺)。上高地有幾個必看景點:河童橋、大正池、明神池。 自駕如果有3、4人的話建議坐 Highland Express 計程車 (¥4200/程)直接到河童橋,之後再慢慢走去明神池(金黄色的池),最後到達大正池,全程快走大約要1.5小時,當然沿途拍照、迷路約需2-3小時哈哈,所以還是建議預留最少3小時在上高地吧,當然有錢的話可以在上高地住宿,只是因為高原地區天氣變化好大,有可能起霧什麼都看不到,所以我們最後決定住在高山了。

因為上高地只有河童橋一間休息站,要買土產的話 (飛驒娃娃) 記得在河童橋就要買,如果有水瓶的話記得喝一下阿爾卑斯山脈的冰川水,超正!

Kamikochi area is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited. It is located in Nagano state (middle of the forest area in between Hida city and Matsumoto city) and legend said it is the place where god lives and you can find Kappa. You cannot drive in the Kamikochi area due to nature protection and you have to either take the Highland Express Bus / Highland Express Taxi. I would recommend to take the taxi if you have 3-4 people as the fare is per taxi and per route.

I recommend to take to the 河童橋(Kappa Bridge) first and then walk to 大正池(Taisho pond). It takes around 1.5 hrs if you walk fast, I suggest to spend at least 3 hrs at the Kamikochi area for amazing view and fresh area. There is only one shopping center in Kamikochi which is near 河童橋(Kappa Bridge), don't miss out the handmade kappa/hida lucky charm and Kamikochi limited edition wine and sake. Also, free to try the Japan Alps ice water!

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2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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