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[昇龍道] 長野縣上高地自駕交通攻略 Shoryudo Kamikochi transportation guide for driving


Parking lots near the Kamikochi area

平湯あかんだな駐車場(比較近高山方向) Closer to Hida city

沢渡駐車場(比較近松本方向) Close to Matsumoto city

在駐車場内就會有上高地專用計程車 Highland express 在等你,人數有3、4人的話計程車比較抵和時間上快很多,收費是一台車算的,比較建議去程到河童橋(¥4200/程),回程在大正池上車(約¥3500/程),司機會預先約你回程時間,由河童橋快走到大正池大約需時1.5小時,比較建議預留最少3小時慢慢走拍下照,我們那天因為不懂預時間加上不停拍照,到後段是必須用快走。

Kamikochi area is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever visited. It is located in Nagano state (middle of the forest area) and legend said it is the place where god lives and you can find Kappa. You cannot drive in the Kamikochi area due to nature protection and you have to either take the Highland Express Bus / Highland Express Taxi. I would recommend to take the taxi if you have 3-4 people as the fare is per taxi and per route.

For self-driving, there are 2 parking lot near the Kamikochi area, see if you come from Hida or Matsumoto, the parking fee is 600yen/day. There will be Highland Express taxi waiting at the parking lot. I recommend to take to the 河童橋(Kappa Bridge) first and then walk to 大正池(Taisho pond). It takes around 1.5 hrs if you walk fast, I suggest to spend at least 3 hrs at the Kamikochi area for amazing view and fresh area.

Parking lots near the Kamikochi area

平湯あかんだな駐車場(近高山) Closer to Hida city

Tel: 0578-89-3477

Address: 岐阜県高山市奥飛騨温泉郷平湯791-38

沢渡駐車場(近松本) Close to Matsumoto city

Tel: 0263-93-2380

Address: 長野県松本市安曇沢渡4159-14



2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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