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櫻餅 Sakura Mochi

櫻餅只有在櫻花季節才能吃到的日本和菓子 只吃過関西style的櫻餅,粉色的QQ糯米包着紅豆餡配上鹽漬櫻花和櫻葉,去賞櫻又豈能錯過絕配的櫻餅,関西的櫻餅亦稱道明寺櫻餅、関東則為長命寺櫻餅。


Sakura Mochi is only available during the sakura season! It is made with chewy rice cake with red bean paste filling, top with salty preserved sakura. There are Kansai & Kanto style Sakura mochi, I just tried Kansai style sakura mochi before but I am sure they both taste great!

Photo: 一心堂, Sanrio


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