牛丼大家一定有聽過吉野家丶Sukiyaすき家,其實比這兩家還有一家更便宜而且質量不錯的連鎖牛丼 - 松屋 Matsuya!
印象中松屋牛丼小碗(並盛)大約 280 yen 還送面鼓湯,女生其實已經夠吃,除了必備的牛丼松屋還有燒肉飯也不錯吃。


Japanese beef rice is a must eat! Other than Sukiya and Yoshinoya, I came across another chain brand - Matsuya which I like the most!
The small size beef rice costs around 280 yen and comes with miso soup, valuable price. My favourite dish is beef rice top with onion and hotspring egg, also the bbq pork rice. So Yummy!