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[昇龍道]飛驒高山御守娃娃 Japanese Hida lucky charm-Sarubobo

第一次看到這飛驒娃娃時感覺很奇妙,有點怪卻带點可愛(因為沒有眼耳口鼻),到飛驒高山當然要買一個全人手 Made In Japan 的御守娃娃。

飛驒娃娃日文是 Sarubobo,Saru是猿的意思,亦取同音字「緣」的意思,bobo則是小孩的意思,飛驒娃娃有1000多年歷史,是古時媽媽/婆婆做給小孩的布偶,祈求孩子平安的護身符,飛驒娃娃有很多顏色,最傳統的紅色是家運,我買了代表金運的金色,去旅行貴都是要買。

There is a must-buy when you visit Hida area which is the Sarubobo. Sarubobo is a traditional doll in Hida area which has over 1000 years of history. Saru in Japanese means monkey which also has the meaning of luck, while bobo means baby. Back in the days mother used to make this doll to their children for good luck.

Sarubobo comes with different color, the traditional color is red which stands for family luck, I bought a gold one which means good fortune. Don't miss out this handmade lucky charm when you visit hida area.


2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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