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[昇龍道]富山縣玩什麼?千里浜-日本唯一可行車的海灘 Chirihama Nagisa the only beach driveway in Japan, Toyama

我們在石川縣玩了兩天之後出發到飛驒高山,我們很喜歡海岸所以便繞道去富山縣兜風,意外發現這個日本唯一可行車的海岸-千里浜。 千里浜位於富山縣能登半島,全長8km的海濱道路,千里浜的砂直徑只有一般砂的四分之一、是非常細、因此當海水在漲潮退潮後、砂灘形成了非常堅固的地質、甚至連巴士都能跑在此上。千里浜是日本汽車廣告經常取景的地方,當然我們也裝逼了一下! 離開千里浜之後我們去找吃的,中途停在冰見休息站意外發現超新鮮的富山灣海鮮金箔雪糕,自遊行就是充滿驚喜。

We stayed at Ishikawa for 2 days and Hida area is our next stop. Since there isn't much to do at Ishikawa, we decided to take a coastline tour to Toyama. We found a 8km long beach driveway at Toyama which is the Chirihama Nagisa Driveway. This beach driveway is the only one in Japan as it's sand has the highest density and toughest for car or even bus to drive on! Also, this driveway is always the shooting spot for vehicle commercial.

After the drive, we came across a resting stop - himi and found the yummy Toyama seafood & golden ice cream!!!

千里浜 Chirhama Nagisa Driveway

Address: 羽咋市千里浜町

Tel: 0767-22-2141


2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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