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超值無添くら寿司 High quality $100 yen sushi

突然間很想吃壽司,就介紹一下 ¥100 yen的迴轉壽司店!無添くら寿司是日本知名連鎖迴轉壽司店,主打無添加人工調味料和新鮮用料食材!别以為 ¥100 yen吃不了什麼,¥100 yen 可以吃鮮帶子、海膽、拖羅、天婦羅蝦壽司

除了無添くら寿司,剛剛去四國發現還有2間連鎖的迴轉壽司~河童壽司 & スシロー迴轉

Kappa sushi


I am craving for sushi now, There are a few $100 yen Sushi chain stores in Japan, I have tired Kura Corporation (無添くら寿司) super affordable price and most importantly it is all NATURAL!


2014 年第一次到訪日本, 自此愛上日本的美食絕景,足跡遍及沖繩、九州、關西、關東、四國、北陸 。

I first visited Japan in 2014 and fell in love with Japan's coastline, seafood, hidden spots & hotspring ever since. I have travelled 20+ states in Japan, including Kyushu, Osaka, Tokyo, Okinawa 



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